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Agora sim com muita certeza posso dizer que te encontrei. Se estava destinado ou não, eu não sei. Mas vou contar-vos o que sei: Que adoro a forma como olhas para mim, doce, mas ao tempo sensual. O facto dos teus pensamentos nunca estarem longe dos meus. A forma como proteges o que restou de mim e fazes desaparecer a minha tristeza com um simples sorriso. Entre outras coisas, mas mal posso esperar pelas noites sem dormir em que tu estarás ao meu lado, noites em que olharei o teu rosto e darei graças ás estrelas no céu por estares ao meu lado.
Mensagens recentes

Unspoken dreams

Those dreams I do not dare to dream Nor do I dare to speak Afraid of losing them pursued by sin. The desire to reach the unreachable. Those dreams that become untouched by hate and jealousy When do I begin to see The light that come from within me. There's a possibility that all that I see Is hidden from me. Help me stretch my fingers to reach the impossible.

The river

Floating on the water Taken by the stream I come to the surface Not to be seen But to breathe The air that surrounds me The space takes me silently Come on save me brave warrior from the arms of this river This caotic waters That revolve around me Be wild, Be free, Believe

Penso demasiado

    Todos os dias penso em ti. " Como estás ?", "  O que tens feito ?", são as perguntas mais frequentes, assim como " Será que ainda te lembras de?".  Já passou um ano e ainda restam imensas perguntas que ficaram por responder, mas será que saber a resposta a esta iria de certa forma dar-me alguma paz de espírito ou iria apenas guiar-me a um estado de decadência mais profundo?     A cada dia que passa, tenho mais duvidas e incertezas que me levam a questionar todas as decisões que tomo dia-a-dia, tudo porque desde o dia em que partiste, parte de mim foi contigo, no inicio passar por todos os locais onde partilhamos as memórias mais felizes que alguma vez tive, abriam buracos dentro de mim e levando sempre mais um pedaço da minha alma, agora apenas vejo vazio, pois a maior parte dessas memorias se desvaneceram, esse amor já não existe mais, apenas o sentimento de perda da pessoa que fui se mantém e difunde-se por todo o meu corpo, por toda a minha mente...

I wonder

Sometimes I wonder how it would be if we were still together... Would we still be miserable? Or happy? Because I feel that my heart would still be broken. I'm stronger now, but more fragile than before. I actually live my life scared that I will never fall in love again because of that damage you caused, my soul remains restless in fear for the things I may never have or may never experience, that perhaps the life I imagined for myself will only exist in my imagination.

Wonder where is she...

  Sometimes I stare at the walls in my room (now empty, cause I cleaned all the drawings and phrases) and I feel as empty as they are now, I think about how much I've changed, and how much my life as changed too.   One day I heard someone say that the past ceases to exist the moment it passes, all that is left are the memories of something that no longer exists, so I still remember how I felt about that person, but I no longer know how it feels to love someone that much, so I keep looking for it even though I'm not doing anything, I keep changing so I can't be stuck anymore, but I still do. Because no matter how much I change I can't get the most important thing back: Myself. The real me, the me that cared if I hurt people or not, the me that was loud and playful, the me that knew how to love someone, now I simple don't care anymore.   How can someone's heart be that broken, that the person you were before completely disappears without a trace? She new this...


Death comes and takes people away. Love comes and brings them back There's no more shadows upon my heart, but there is light that shimmers on the corners of my soul. Truth be told I'll never stop being bold I wanna find someone's hand to hold.