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A mostrar mensagens de dezembro, 2013

Ainda te sinto

Ás vezes quando fecho os olhos, ainda consigo sentir a tua pele na minha. O suave roçar dos teus dedos na pele nua das minhas costas. Os teus lábios beijando o meu cabelo quando pensavas que estava a dormir. Aquele aperto mais forte, o conforto do meu coração e do teu a baterem ao mesmo tempo. O sorriso nos teus olhos cada vez que encontram os meus. Tenho saudades daquilo que se perdeu, sinto ainda a tristeza pelos teus sentimentos já não serem iguais aos meus. - Andreia Abreu

Never giving up

  Seriously sometimes I don't understand myself at all!   Even though I'm happy to report that I think about you less and less   There I times that I couldn't care less, still you were my so called  "love of my life"   So I know that part of me will never forget you as well as the time we spent together.   I've been thinking a lot about everything that happenned this year and I admit that for the fist time in my life I feel very happy, because I've realized that I'm a very loved person, that all the people that turned their back on me and made me feel like I was nothing don't have any power what so ever over me anymore, that's why I'm not afraid anymore, not afraid to take a chance on myself, to believe that I can be whoever I want. I just need to take a step towards a new dawn.    Where's to never losing yourself! \o/

You could be happy

Oh meu deus! os dias que passei a ouvir esta música por causa da dor que sentia, da perda, do desespero, da dor. É de facto uma musica linda.